
By Eilatanfoto

When Home Comes To Visit - The Spiegeltent

"Not all those who wander are lost." J.R.R Tolkien

I am a traveller of sorts in that I've never lived anywhere for very long. Circumstance and the wind have taken me to many places and I consider this a lucky fate by all accounts. I do not criticise those who have the comfort of a single home or the desire to 'stay in one place' - on occassion I even envy them. It is not that I cannot find a place to call home, but more that I have never found a reason not to seek the next adventure. I am not lost - I am just looking...

The Spiegeltent is a magical travelling theatre where nothing is what it seems. Currently it is located outside the Melbourne Arts Centre, and is housing many a fantastic experience. One of only a handfull of Spiegeltents left, this Belgian arthouse was lovingly created by master craftsmen Oscar Mols Dom and Loius Goor. Built in the 1920's it has over 3000 parts and houses singers, dancers, comedians, the circus - indeed the bizaare and obscure are welcome here. This blip does not do it justice and again I have taken a picture at night, at the last minute, with a camera not designed for it ..... please use your imagination to sharpen the image - or indeed, in keeping with the magic of the tent, imagine whatever you wish it to be.

Fate has kept me in Melbourne longer than anywhere else - why I do not know. The Spiegeltent has visited twice and I am happiest when I am in it - it feels like home....comming to visit.

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