
By Eilatanfoto

The Magnificant Colourful Cold

Here comes the cold.... daylight savings is over and the light is changing rapidly. People are walking faster and soup has become the preference over salad. The sky looks scoured and in the evening you can see your breath as you chat to huddled friends all wearing heavy coats and thick leather boots.

Is it a menacing grey gloom that comes our way? An atmosphere that quiets the strongest soul and leaves us with melancholoy thoughts that reflect on a distant sun .....

No! This is Melbourne! The cold brings with it mornings filled with magical 'hide and go seek' fog and crystal clear nights to watch Saturn rising. There are fans at the football and laughter is ringing through the streets from the comedy festival. The colours are brighter and more intense, to wave away the depression.

I wandered to the Queen Victoria Markets this morning and noticed this collection of winter attire. I love hats, they have so much to say and these seemed to be singing "Bring on winter, we are ready to dance the chill away and celebrate the brighter, colder, happy days"!

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