Portrait of a Stranger 7...

Today, on my Stranger Portrait hunt, I went out with specific intent. I had this idea toying about my mind about turning the tables on the charity collectors that congregate on Princes Street. You know the ones, you're walking along and they try intently to catch your attention sometimes by moving to stand directly in your path or by walking up beside you. Trying to throw them off guard in a not unkind way, so to say.

Anyway, had a quick reccy to find there were none to be obviously seen so I decided to approach the Big Issue seller instead. The Big Issue seller turned out to be a denial for his own personal reasons that he told me but are not for here. Incidentally, although I didn't intend it, the off guard thing worked with Mr Big Issue seller as he thought he was getting in my way when I was actually looking to speak to him directly. He had a good couple of guesses at what I wanted to speak to him about but failed.

Luckily Mr Big Issue Seller had a friend with him at the time who was happily willing to be my subject today. This is Martin, friend of Mr Big Issue seller, who isn't from Edinburgh but moved here about 3 months ago.

I also decided to extend the experiment by asking them to recommend me an album to buy today. Between them they came up with Duffy's Rockferry album.

Both very friendly guys, Thanks for the blether...

So my lunchtime exploits have furnished me with a copy of Duffy's album and a copy of the new Big Issue which I'm looking forward to reading as it has an interview with Jamie Hewlett (Tank Girl creator) and an article about the LHC at CERN which was turned on successfully today.

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