With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


I have a lot of images to sort through tomorrow. It was a very busy day.

It started in my empty nest, soon filled with cat, cup of tea and radio 4 online. Then invited to a breakfast of locally produced poached eggs with the yellowiest yolks and great coffee with F and C, I walked down to the football ground to see Ben and the team win their easiest three points with a no show from the other team and a good run around for them to enjoy them. No idea what happened there, lost in the tunnel maybe?

After resuscitating the cat with affection, I went to Wendy's afternoon party to celebrate the launch of her enniogram book. Wonderful food and company under the ever exploding wisteria pods. I never did get a shot of the pods exploding. It's about as impossible as getting a thunderstrike. Which brings me to the other match.

The veterans of Soller played Inter Soller. We all enjoyed a riproaring game, injury free and some team or other won, but basically we all had a great afternoon followed by a few beers and then tapas. And I got to go into the changing rooms this time. There were socks and nerves....

I now have a big task ahead trying to get some of today's shots sorted. The party, the game, they will be appearing here, there and everywhere with luck. So today's blip is of Mariana, who in her inimitable way said something to me so sweet and short but direct and true, I can't help but love her.

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