A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

I Choose Life!

I do. But this poor thing didn't get to choose. I eat well. I work hard. I relax (sometimes). I love. I give. I share. But I'm a health hypocrite because I only talk about exercise. I'm an expert on running, just ask my Taxman and my daughters (who actually are runners). I read a lot and I've lived a long time, so I like to give others advice. On things I don't necessarily practice.

See, the way I look at it, I get plenty of exercise in my daily life AND I do wear a pedometer daily, which means I care about physical movement, right? I'm not a couch potato. I'm on my feet most of the day - well, on manufacturing days at least, and I am plenty tired at day's end.

The entire paragraph above sounds a lot like a series of excuses, right? I know.

I've been feeling rather unwell lately and not full of vigor and basically a little depressed. I know the answer is to add an exercise routine to my daily schedule. Practice daily! Make it a habit. Therein lies the problem, I know. So I went for a long walk today and I was walking along talking...chanting (to myself) actually: I want to live. I choose life. I want to live. Because I want to look and feel better - live. Get it? Plus we all know there is a literal meaning to it too. I know I have to MOVE IT or lose it. At my age it's not just a saying.

I had a healthy lunch and I added an herbal routine to my day today too: Schizandra (good for kidney function, removal of toxins, mental endurance and is an anti-oxidant) and Licorice root (digestive tract improvement, vitality, good for the lungs and respiratory system). I made them into tea and sipped them while I worked.

I don't want to wind up like this tree, struck down in its prime due to lack of movement.

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