BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear

Red Red Robin, Bob Bob Bobbin'

Well, to be honest, he was actually hop, hop, hoppin' along from branch to branch and very quickly too - a little devil to catch on camera!! He's nice on large!!
This is for you, RDC.

My first upload with my birthday lens - wow, he's a big boy as the actress said to the bishop - and heavy too!!!! I'm thinking you're all going to be bored witless so thrilled with my birdie close-ups and "things from faraway" that I will be trying out in the days/weeks to come!!!

Thank you to everyone who contributed to me being on the spotlight page again yesterday - twice in one week - still disproportionately thrilled about it but still not sure how the system works .... don't care though, two spotlights/one week - PRICELESS! :-)

Am liking the new map feature with blip-uploads - thank you blipcentral!! Great idea!

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