Smiles #10 - Will

"Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been." Mark Twain

This is my working colleague Will. He's part of the retail team. His fantastic sarcastic humour always makes me laugh, even when I have really bad days. He volunteered today for a smile, but we were a bit busy, so I couldn't take a picture of him until I left work to go home. I had to touch the photo a little bit, because the quality of the image was not great, but what really counts is the smile!

Today I was a bit grumpy, but just because I was tired. My patience was on edge and I didn't feel like smiling, but I managed! It's been a long and busy week. So far it's been eight busy days with only one day off. Can't wait to Wednesday and Thursday when I'll have a wee break and then my holidays next week!

I had some sad news about my friend The King, by the way. I was speaking to him the other day and he told me that he has a blood clot in his brain. He's lost quite a lot of memory. He's taking the whole think really positively and you can see him smiling every day in his costume. Great and strong guy!

I'll try and get some good sleep this evening and not be so grumpy tomorrow.

Thanks very much for all your comments, stars and favourites! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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