Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Movement and stillness

aprecious is a bit obsessed with movement and stillness. Something to do with theatre (darling). I don't much think about it. I'm either moving or I'm asleep or watching sheep.

Sometimes when I am in the kitchen I move about so fast with my Christmas tree shaped toy it's like I'm on the wall of death. I'm running so fast from couch to floor to wall it's like I'm fluid - until aprecious gets her knickers in a twist and spoils my fun.

I move so fast it's a blur. Mohammed Ali got it just about right:

"I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark"

That's what makes me sitting still so lovely (apparently) - mm maybe that can be my new strategy?

aprecious says she knows practically nothing about the business that is picture taking but she really likes this. The sun and the dark cloud. The little gate at the back and Maud's face, watching sheep in the distance. It also sums up how she's feeling, bright but with a few bits of darkness at the edges.

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