Bubbly Personality

Lali, Duncan and Gordon - and lots of bubbles!

Big Bubbles.

We went to Edinburgh armed with cinema vouchers and met Lali in the station. After a bit of a bad start ("you need to phone this premium rate number to activate your gift card sir" !!!) we went to see "Mirror, Mirror" - which we all highly recommend (and don't watch the trailer if you're going to see it. And strangely the trailer is roughly in reverse-order of the film. Anyway...). A properly fresh take on the Snow White story with sassy lassies, rebel dwarves and a great pantomime-style "Ha! The baddy got it! Oh, hang on... Phew!" ending. I barely begrudged the £5 popcorn as a result. OK, I did begrudge the £5 popcorn. But it was a good film.

After that we went on a bubble hunt. A few shops later we were bubbling in St Andrew Square before heading off for the train home to Dunbar, after the children all gave Lali big hugs.

An exhausting day but we're all looking forward to the next time!

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