It Started Down Under

By dirk

Empty Wardrobe

Today I spent the entire day emptying my wardrobe and seeking out stuff and clothes. I ended up with almost 2 full garbage bags full of clothes that I will donate to a good cause. And it is good to have a better overview of what is in my wardrobe of course! (The post-its on my wardrobe door are just one half of my post-it collection. These ones show the tasks I have already done, and on the other side of my mirror is a collection of things I still wish to do.)

This evening we had musical rehearsal again. It started off with some unusual news that I will not share here for privacy reasons and then we spent the entire rehearsal on one song. A song of about 8 minutes in which I play quite a central role. It was great to see how this song is coming together with choreography and acting.

Of course afterwards there were drinks again. It is becoming a good tradition among some of the cast members to have a drink afterwards and chat for a bit. Always good to get to know other people better and just have a good time without being busy singing, dancing, acting, etc.

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