It Started Down Under

By dirk

Visiting a Namesake

After quite a stressful morning (my paypal-account had been hacked) I went to visit a friend this afternoon. I had made him a compilation CD with songs they will be playing with the local Harmony Concordia. Once there we talked about numerous things, but the main themes were my search for a job and the preparations for his journey to Africa. I now have a much better view of what he'll be doing there. And I have got to say so: it will probably be one big adventure with lots of great work and experiences.

Weather-fact: when I cycled to him the sky was blue, the air warm and the sun shining. While I was there it started raining, hailing and there were even a couple strikes of thunder! As we say in the Netherlands "April does what it wants" (in Dutch the rhyme is better).

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