Journey Through Time

By Sue

A Crazy Day

First of all Thank you!! for all the lovely comments and for putting our local Chinook Plank House in the Spotlight section for awhile. I appreciate that very much. You guys rock!

So, Bill and I picked up Auntie and we went all the way to Tualatin, a southern suburb of Portland. We went to the Garden Corner, a unique garden nursery that we'd seen advertised on TV. For some reason it amuses me no end to see chickens walking around garden centers. This one and another were wandering around. We also got to see what is billed as"The World's Largest Hanging Basket". I shall take their word for it. We also saw giant thumbs, in case you would like something like this to look at in your garden. Why, I don't know. But there you go. And we saw the biggest wind chimes I have ever seen. You can't get a sense of scale here, but they must have been 10-12 FEET tall. The wind caught it and it went DONNNGGGG...something that might call the village to prayer possibly. But the best and most unique thing we saw...and you really have to see the rare Pacific Northwest Blue Flamingo.. This place had a flock of them and they must be indigenous to Tualatin as we've never seen them in this coloration before.

It was a lovely trip to a unique place to visit.

Thank you again, Blippers, for all your wonderful comments.

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