Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Corrugated Plastic

Backblipped on 18th April 2012

The Wonderspouse had a meeting in town today about a forthcoming literary festival. I agreed to drop him off and then I went off shopping in the Monster (my car still wasn't ready, so I was still driving around in a car almost so big that we considered giving up the house and just living in the car)!!!

While I had the Monster I thought I may as well take advantage of it. I'd been struggling with how to protect bookshelves and so on from the rubbish that the rats kick out of their cages for some time. My latest scheme had been pound shop shower curtains, but the little devils just managed (somehow) to pull them into the cages and destroy them, leaving the cages full of chewed up shower curtain, and the books (some of which I'm rather keen to protect) unprotected!

So, I wondered about some sort of rigid protection, and a trip to Wickes showed me that corrugated plastic (perfect for the job) was available at a very reasonable price. I'd picked up one sheet as a sample, but needed more, so, while I still had the Monster I went to fetch more!

Perfect they are too! :-)

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