Northern Star

By Lifferz

Woo Hoo

I managed to get home in time to witness and amazingly intense hail storm and of course I had to go outside and 'experience it' which resulted in me getting a bit damp but it was worth it. Tried to get some shots of it bouncing around off the floor and the mini-greenhouses but the pics were dissapointing....if I knew how to use a camera I'd be dangerous!

The last time I was caught in a bad hail storm it was the type that damages car body work slightly. I was in Biarritz and one moment we were playing on the beach and body boarding in the sea....the next moment the sky suddenly went very very dark and the heavens opened. It was so forceful that eveyone abandoned their stuff and ran for cover screaming. The loos at the campsite we were staying at were filled with quiverring people seeking shelter from hail and flying sand (it got pretty windy). After a few moments we realised my brother was missing, he was about 7 at the time. When it was all over we started looking for him and we eventually found him staggerring around with blood pouring from his head.....the hail wasn't that bad but he'd been hit by a flying tent pole from a large tent. He was ok in the end.

I remember some of the people in the campsite were trying to dry the inside of their caravans ( don't ask how they got wet I don't know) by climbing on the roof and lowering a hairdryer through the sky light....I couldn't see the practicality in this method at all but assumed it was cos I was young and naaive I'm an adult the logic (if you can call it that) still baffles me.....

This was also the holiday my Mum who is massively into fish tried to convince us that some fish and rice she had stored next to some firelighters did not taste 100% of firelighter chemicals...thankfully my Dad was on hand with the car to get some emergency supplies from the shop.

I miss those holidays and the fabulous storms and crashing waves

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