Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Eating Garlic Betty

Finally got to go out for a meal with the (ex) boss - delayed because of pressure of work, but had a lovely meal at Kingham's in Shere. Creamed artichoke, flat mushroom and roasted garlic betty pudding on a tomato jam. Got into some serious movie trivia including trying to remember the names of the actors in The Deer Hunter, the one eluding our total recall being Christopher Walken, but the waitress actually went off and looked it up on IMDB for us (now that's what I call service). Elderly couple at the next table got involved in the conversation but it got a bit confusing and I am sure that at one point we decided that Lawrence of Arabia was having tea with Celia Johnson across the road from Charing Cross Station. That's Lean thinking for you, aided by a celebratory round of champagne and a bottle of red wine.

What were we celebrating? Well I got temporarily elevated today, but I'm not going to let it go to my head. Rather like being promoted as The Titanic sinks, your first duty is to other people rather than to yourself.

Took this blip of my dinner companions in the pub afterwards . Shere is big on pubs and places to eat but the street lighting is non existent and it was very dark tonight. I'm sure that more than one person rather the worse for wear has ended up in the stream with the river fowl before now... Might explain why the local tea house has the rather kinky name of The Lucky Duck ...

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