Northern Star

By Lifferz

Threatening sky

I love it when the sky goes this really menacing colour and the trees or fields appear amazingly bright in contrast....usually when I seee such sights I am driving, can't stop or don't have a camera.

This isn't my best shot but it was starting to rain and I wanted to capture the moment. Sweet peas on the bonnet and roof of my car....these are one of the few things which I don't attempt to grow from seed. I love how they produce vibrant gorgeous smelling blooms and the more you pick the more they grow. I think they are the best value plants you can get as they sort of look after themselves unless you have a really dry summer. For about 3 months of the year I will pick some every few days and stick them in a tiny vase I have in the bathroom.....they smell divine.

One of my jobs this weekend is to plant basil and corriander. I will start it off in the propogator which I think has been stored away in the cellar and then when they are small plants I am going to have 10-15 pots scattered around the porch windowsills so I have a herby smell to greet me each morning. Well that is the plan anyway!!!

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