
By Eilatanfoto

Open for the Imagination

I have cheered in the company of strangers and friends alike. I have roamed my city streets filled with happiness. I have smiled at nothing and everything - it is a magic time of year when laughter comes to town.

22 days ago, April began and with it, the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. The wierd, the wonderful, the hillarious and the absurd joined life in Melbournes' 98 venues, (ranging from grand Town Halls to cloak rooms in side alleys), to help us welcome the cooler season. 44 shows later, I have finally got home at a reasonable hour to upload my blip. My profound apologies for the lack of replies, comments, and pictures - As you may have guessed, this is my absolute favourite festival and I got somewhat distracted.

This blip is a temporary art instillation in Federation Squares' Atrium domain. I often visited this 'piece' before shows. Best described as a multicoloured tent / igloo - inside it houses a playdough garden created by the general public (of all ages) should they choose to be involved. The concept was developed by Paul Yore and is aptly titled 'Playdough Cave". For me, this artwork sums up April in Melbourne: to be approached with frivolity and childlike wonder, there is a whole world evolving waiting to be discovered and most importantly, to be filled with laughter, how fabulous to be able to choose to be a part of it!

To all those who have ventured out with me (read 'been dragged against their will'), many thanks and I very much hope that risidule laughter will continue till at least May!

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