
Apparently the primary one's are doing a project of Kings, Queens, Castles and general days of yore type stuff. They drew lost princess pictures at school and have been asked to put them up in their windows. It's slightly out of shot but the girl next door is in Bethany's class as well and there is a similar picture in her window.

I have this picture in my mind of all the primary one inhabited houses around the area denoted by these pictures in the windows. Probably doesn't hold true but you never know.

Not exactly sure what we're meant to do if a lost princess actually does turn up at the door. We didn't get those instructions.

Notes on the Day Today...
Isn't Google useful? I usually stay logged into iGoogle with a custom skinned homepage so I don't often see the theme GoogleDoodles but today, yes it is St George's Day but more relevant to myself, it's the 30th anniversary of the ZX Spectrum.

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