As She Sees It

By AsSheSeesIt


Seriously, what says summer more than a convertible and a dog? We, as blippers, know the importance of having your camera at hand at all times and today was no exception. I popped into the store across the street to find protein for dinner and when I came out I was greeted by this.

Have you ever seen a bigger German Shepard? I guarantee you that guy does not need an alarm on his car. I did not get close enough to find out what level of "attack" he was set to.

Another beautiful day and I had to spend most of it at work. I did eat lunch outside and walked home in the sunshine, but I am staying in this afternoon.

A young friend of mine is finishing up his senior year with a degree in English, he will be starting in the fall on a masters, his emphasis will be creative non fiction. He has sent me his 50 page senior thesis to read. He is talented and I am certain that one day soon I will see his name in print. I am enjoying every page.

Happy blipping!

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