walk the plank

I wish this was a plank on the side of a pirate ship. I could just close my eyes and walk off into the deep blue sea below. And swim. And swim. And float. And swim some more.
Unnecessary confession: I've been thoroughly enjoying pinterest far too much lately. Especially my "Have passport. Will travel" section. I've noticed that every place that I long to go to is conveniently full of sunshine and clear, abundant water. Greek isles, fjords of Norway, Iceland, Hawaii, Maldives, etc.. etc.. etc. There are so many beautiful places. Can I just live in all of them?

The answer is yes. Yes I can.

Oh, the places I'll go. God willing.

Arts Festival downtown! Keeping in line with last year, I blipped the side of a building downtown. I must admit, I prefer last year's in some ways. This one lacks any sort of depth. Buttt... it was the only photo I took today with my Nikon. I'm getting sick of the iPhone quality a tad.
I just love art. The creativity of other people's minds is just astounding to me.
I should blip some of my goodies from this year's plunder. I have a favorite. I can't remember what I named him at the moment. It will come to me. More on that later.

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