The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild

New Beginnings

This is the front door to the home I live in with my family. We ended up choosing this house because it was the only one we looked at that could fit our grand piano in the living room. At the time, we were starting a new life, having just moved halfway across the country from Chicago.

I am not sure who put the stained glass into the door, or who made the art, but it never held much significance to me until a few years ago when a friend said, "Why do you have a symbol of Christian love and peace on your door?" I shrugged my shoulders and said, "It was just there. I think it's pretty."

Today, as I opened and closed this door, I realized that this symbol also represents change. There are so many changes going on around me that some days, my head spins in disbelief.

Some changes are disturbing, and others are a sign of rebirth, a new beginning.

We experience different seasons every year, and many times during our lives.

As I was writing today, different images floated through my creative mind, but since I was sitting at my dining room table instead of at my writing desk, I saw my front door staring at me whenever I glanced up from my computer keyboard.

It reminded me that change is not something to fear. Change is good. One door closes, and a new one opens. I thought of my daughter moving on from college and my other one just beginning. I thought of moving to a new place, a mystery to be determined. I thought of a dear friend, whose life has been changed forever, and how bittersweet the past few months have been in helping make that change.

I've met many lovely new people, reconnected with old friends, and managed to lose a few who were toxic in my life. Yes, Spring is in the air, a time for renewal and change.

Life is a roller coaster ride. May you find peace and love in the up and down changes in your life, and live life to the fullest.

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