Journey Through Time

By Sue

Male Rufous Hummingbird

The Rufous hummer finally showed up. This is the first I have seen them at the feeder. This is the male, which is all orange-brown, except for red iridescent throat and white collar. This is the most aggressive of all hummers, readily displacing Anna's, Broad-tailed, Calliope and Black-chinned Hummingbirds from flower areas. It has the longest migration route of any N. American hummer; along coast in spring and down Rocky Mountains after breeding. All hummingbirds are important pollinators of flowers, especially red tubular flowers that are generally not pollinated by insects. Field Guide to Birds, Western Region.

A cool day with lots of clouds, a few sun breaks, occasional sprinkles and a cool breeze now and then. I have seen and heard lots of birds in our back woods area. They were so loud earlier, it was incredible. The robins nest close by and the grosbeaks come to nest also. All the birds were in a mighty chorus of song, so loud I could easily hear it through our double paned windows. And I'm half deaf, too!

I hope you all have a terrific weekend. It's supposed to be sunnier and I plan on doing something...what I don't know...but something.

Keep on truckin', Blippers.

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