
By strawhouse

Rain, Rain, Rain..... And More Rain!

I am so sick of this rain*
And I'm sick of my children being ill.
And I'm sick of not seeing my friends.
And I'm sick of the rain, did I mention that?
The sun came out briefly this evening and I got some lovely sparkly shots of - surprise surprise - branches and drips in the garden. But this snap out of the car window suited my mood more!
One exciting thing happened today: the road out of our village flooded and I had to go and pick Miss E up from the bus-stop. Obviously with Nana, she wasn't on her own!! So I had to drive through the flood which was very exciting. It was almost up to the windows!! Lesser people turned back but I was feeling intrepid.
And I drive quite a big 4x4 which helps!!!!

*to quote Baby in Dirty Dancing!!!

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