Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Off into town

Early blip today - had the day off work.

Still been busy though - Had to go into town first thing when I took this from the top of the Ropewalk car park. Had to return to town later to get the things I'd forgotten first time round - senior moment I'm sure.

Couldn't do much at home anyway - had the consumer board that caught fire last weekend replaced for one that hopefully is less likely to light up the darkness of it's own accord. Mike the electrician was most helpful - he too is having issues with the manufacturer as they claim they had written to him to warn him about the faulty batch of mcb's, but, he never got anything. Just got to write a letter now seeking compensation for the problems, cost of replacement and the cost of my time to allow it to be done. The guy on the phone last week started getting concerned when I asked what combustion products we had been exposed to. Hopefully I've now got their attention.

When power was back I got the grass harvested and repaired the patch where a tree was removed last year. I expected (well, hoping for) it to be like a paddy field after recent rain but even within 24 hours it was dry enough to cut. But it wasn't.

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