A time for everything

By turnx3

Mother and baby

After a week or so of mainly gloomy and quite cold weather, the last 24-36 hours have seen a dramatic change. Today was sunny most of the day until late afternoon, and the mercury was supposed to top out at about 80F! Tonight we are supposed to have some storms pass through, and tomorrow will be a few degrees cooler, but still nice and warm. I went for a neighborhood walk to Olde Montgomery (complex of apartments and town houses) to see if the Mother goose had her goslings yet and, as you can see, she has. I couldn't get a good shot of them all together ( five or six goslings), as they kept moving around. I was hoping that by the time I passed them on my return, maybe they'd be in the water, but they were still foraging around on the grass.

One year ago: Unusual traffic on the bike trail

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