
By greadyboy

Salmon risotto!

Had a bit of a RAG panic this morning, but then we turned a bad thing into a good thing! Yay!

Was grey and horrible this morning.

Had another slightly pointless Tuesday tutorial, where one tutor manage to try not to blatantly contradict the other tutors but couldn't hide it.

He thinks I don't need to take photos. Whereas the other one does.

So I went and spoke to one and asked how much weight in terms of marks was on my photography (I'm not confident in my skills, especially not if lots of marks are based on it) and he quipped in response, "depends how heavy it is!".

Great. Another fantastic insight.


The afternoon was really sunny and hot so I spent most of it wandering around outside, dodging puddles and trying not to slip over. I walked around a bit then came back to uni, met up with Rosie then we went for a walk.

Then we walked home via sainsburys and I bought stuff to make a fishy recipe to photograph for work purposes. Turns out salmon risotto isn't very photogenic. And/or I'm not good at taking photos of it. That may have been slightly due to my impatience and hunger, taking photos of food is so annoying when you want to eat it!

Wow, I'm writing loads, sorry.

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