What did I see today...?

By DaveR

Manic Monday

Horrible Monday for me this week - spent all day writing up reports for deadline day having started work at 7am, far too early! Highlight though in getting to see 'Headhunters' at the Picture House in Cambridge after work before I came home and collapsed (then woke up and hurriedly set up a self portrait!)

'Headhunters' is a fairly cool little movie, based on the book of the same name by Jo Nesbo (or Stieg Larsson 2.0 as many seem to think) it's a quirky thriller with a vein of dark comedy about a professional headhunter in the careers market who ends up being hunted by a professional ex-army tracker. The plot lies behind the headhunter being a professional art thief as well who steals from the rich executives he sets up to be interviewed; at first the ex-army man appears to be just another one of these, but after his painting is the target he starts turning the table on the headhunter, and it's not just the painting he's after...

Anything else would be a spoiler so I'll not say much more, though I will add that the comedy element comes from a series of ever-increasingly bizarre and grotesque situations so it's not for the faint of heart/stomach! If you like a good little foreign-language thriller it's definitely worth a watch - enjoy!

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