a town called E.

By Eej


There was much excitement today - first, our town is getting a massive wall painting so I rode by the site to see if the artists were there. But no. Then I went by the lake and saw a swan fighting with a goose. Obviously, I stopped and took my camera out :)
When another goose started to interfere and then swam off with the other one and 7 babies appeared out of nowhere I realised what the fight had been all about.

Monday I had brought in treats to work and one of our customers had taken a photo of them (orange icing, Dutch flags) and sent it to a friend of his in Chicago - and today this customer came in and wanted to meet me. The man is a bit of a bigwig, plus he talks non-stop so I just smiled and said at one point: Yep, us Dutchies get everywhere! which I made sound redneckier than I wanted. Or am! Hahahahaha!

After work the temperature had gone up 20 degrees and I started to take off layers on my way home. I stopped at the lake and found 2 more geese-families hanging out. I kept a respectful distance, but the babies were curious/hungry/not scared and kept approaching. And then so did the parents. With accompanying hissing. I'd step back. The babies would step forward. The parents would charge at me.
I really couldn't win!

Then a lonely gull appeared who tilted his head like a dog when I'd talk to him.

But of all the photos I took the gosling proved irresistible :)

Oh, and I was awake at 5.30am. And I had dreamed that my co-worker V. was stalked by this creepy monster with zombie friends and when he got to her he changed her left arm into paper. Like, newspaper paper. It waved in the wind. And the hand was attached with staples.
When she married him he changed her arm back, so at least there was some sort of happy ending. *rolls eyes*
I was trying to get the Resistance going, but kept running into ghosts and I didn't know which ones were friendly.

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