Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Cabin Fever

"Only boring people dogs get bored"
aprecious' mother

I am at the end of me tether - I am so bored I could catapult a cat across the sofa. Is that a sport? Cat catapulting? I think I'd be good at it. I have deconstructed and eaten the inside of my new basket. It did not taste as it promised. I could try gnawing at a different leg of the table? The one I can't reach properly. That might waste a few minutes seconds. I could count blades of grass. Floor tiles?

I am so bored. B.O.R.E.D. I've run around with my food dish for a few minutes. I've rolled around. Looked at birds. Stretched. Investigated the Ginger Pud's nether regions, until he go bored of me.

Do I have thumbs? Could I twiddle them?

Do bears...


24 hours to freedom little dog. Hang in there Pinkninja. I like this photo. It's quite hard to get a photo that is different when your pup has an enormous pink thing on her head. I don't remember taking it either...

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