
By Arachne

Othello: The Remix

Not my best photo but definitely the best bit of my day/week/ (month?): Othello: The Remix from Q Brothers of Chicago at the Globe Theatre in London.

I've been looking forward to today ever since I saw this advertised last October and leapt at tickets for five of us. Othello is the King of Hip Hop, Desdemona is a singer and they are on tour with Cassio, Iago and the rest of the crew (you can work out the rest from the original). It's fast, clever, energetic, even funny.

The audience, young and old, loved it, and the actors, although my blip doesn't show how much, were clearly bowled over by the enthusiasm: Othello (second from right) bounced around the stage in glee.

I can't believe it cost only £5 to be a 'groundling' (standing in the pit) at a play like this.

In case you can, it will be at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in August.

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