Pollen cushion

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Ok so I couldn't help it... bees covered in pollen I think are my trademark now, apart from a certain robin of course. This particular bee practically sat on the daisy next to me & begged me to take his picture... I couldn't refuse, could I? Then he gave me a pollen grin... look here, I said, I don't expect nature to smile, but that caught me unawares!

Thanks SO much for all the comments, stars & favourites from yesterday's Here comes the chaser - I set myself the most ridiculous standards, knowing full well there's no chance in hell I'm going to top the previous *good* one... so am thinking that now, there's NO chance I'll get as close to perfection as that with my next blip, or the one tomorrow or the one next week, next month....

As for Larry:

Worm break

Carnival last night was good, but I think I've caught a chill (as I knew I would) - so a week of misery & rain(!) yet to come! xxx

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