There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Requiem for a Bright Bird

Alas, there was a tragedy in the yard.

In the afternoon, we found a beautiful, brightly colored bird - without a mark on it - lying dead near the edge of the drive way.

Of course we had to do the right thing and hold a funeral for it and all. Creatures came from far and near to pay their respects.

We all told stories about how much we loved him and how we will miss him (even though in truth we didn't know him very well). But we did know at least this one true thing: that he was beautiful.

We sang some low, sweet songs: some about his beauty, others about our sorrow; all about how sadly impermanent things are, but how the world is still a beautiful place anyway, all things considered.

And then as the shadows grew longer, we said a few words over him, and commended him to his Maker. (And oh how the Great Maker must have loved him, to make him so beautiful, and to give him gifts of both song AND flight.)

We wished him a quick and blessed journey to the Next Place . . . a place full of lovely flowers, gentle breezes, sweet bowers dappled in both sun and shade, gorgeous golden sunrises, silvery moonsets, and song - oh, the sweetest of melodies!

There'll be no sad farewells.
There'll be no tear-lit eyes,
Where all is peace
And the soul never dies.*

*The words are from a traditional gospel song, Where the Soul Never Dies. Here is a link to listen to Tracy Chapman and Natalie Merchant sing this song.

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