Friday Foto

By drmackem

Fern Unfurling

Just Ian60 and myself today on blipmeet with bankholiday,holiday and family commitments elsewhere, but Ian and I had a pleasant walk up through Middleton Woods, hardly stopping talking long enough to take a photo.

We've know each other for over 20 years through work comittments which helped conversation flow as we talked things camera, software, composition, perceived lack of talent, enjoyment, grandchildren we have (Ian) and look forward to having, holidays, mutual friends, whisky, photographers, photos, children, retirement(Ian again), Lake District and how hard it is to take a good photo of bluebells.

I'm liking this of my 20+ photos taken, because I love ferns, because I meant to get the background all blurry and suceeded, because the bluebells look good all out of focus and because I do. Not too shabby to for a hand held shot either.

Thanks for your fine company Ian, look forward to next time and tales from Safari

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