
Carlos selected today's image from a choice of yarn, , boats, subs and blue tits. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he went for this one, it's much more up how street than birds and wool. I'm too tired to make the decision for myself so was grateful for the input.

I attended a thought provoking conference on neglect today with a keynote speech delivered by Chief Medical Officer Sir Harry Burns - he is fascinating to listen to and the work he has done on the biology of poverty and how children's brain development is influenced by their environment and experiences is just mind-blowing. There was much food for thought which I will share and mull over with my staff over the coming months.

I'm up early tomorrow to go to the Forest Education Initiative conference and 20th anniversary celebration in Dumfries tomorrow, there are 3 of us going from my nursery and some other staff from our local forest group so that should be another inspirational day.

Must get to bed early so I'm not too tired for the early start and long drive.

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