
I got to sleep late last night, or early this morning, depending on your point of view. Time spent uploading Barcelona blips and sending photos of Isabel to her son.
This morning it was up to the pool, later than yesterday but worth it. Spoke to a man about money and another about plans.

Lunchtime was enlivened by a pipe band marching down the Royal Mile followed by a fly past. But al we could see through the pend were lower limbs and the bottom of kilts. Charles and Camilla are in town.

And more mayhem, #1 son and #1 daughter in law now think they may have the wedding on 30th June after all. Aaahhh. Rally the troops. Of course he, being in Afghan is leaving it all up to her. Decisions must be made, soon. A quick poll shows 3 of us can make it. Dave will have to sort himself out. I'm told he's planning an autumn wedding - the ink not on the page yet, never mind dry!
Now, after getting my back sorted, in the NLS before hot footing it to sing. Alleluia!

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