Early morning activity

The lovely S and I came north yesterday evening, to spend the weekend at the beach house. Two weeks since last here. The builder is back, and has replaced the stairs and patched the plaster board from where it was damaged by the leaking hot water pipe. It has taken all those weeks to ensure that the timber was dry before enclosing it.

I woke in time to see the pre sunrise red sky from the windows; only lasted a matter of seconds after I saw it. Set off down to the Snells Beach front, and was there as the sun started to be seen above the line of clouds just above the horizon. I prefer this picture to anything later.

The woman (closer of the two) had power walked past me in the other direction, and was now heading back in the direction you see. She and the older man (older than me that is) exchanged greetings and she kept on until caught by something he said, and came back to walk beside him and talk for a while. A pleasant walk to start the day.

Out towards the water's edge is a tractor heading back out to the boat moored in the deeper (slightly) water. A short time before, the tractor had come barrelling back to shore and headed up into the residential area. He is now headed back out. Perhaps he forgot the fuel for the boat.

I went on with my run.

I like the way the reflected sunlight in the shallows gives the appearance of a flow of lava. To show the two walkers I did reduce the shadows and adjusted to maintain the colours.

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