An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Rockin' Robin


Had a really lovely  meal at the local deli/cafe last night.  We are lunch regulars so the owner knows us well and is always so welcoming.  They don't have an evening liquor license yet so it was BYOB.  Amazing how much cheaper a meal is when you're not buying booze!

Despite the late night we were up bright and breezy and feeling remarkably clear headed.  David got straight to making the bacon and eggs while I started preparing Provencal Beef for dinner (wanted to get it in the slow cooker).  Ele and Kenny were very confused when they came into the kitchen as they could see bacon and eggs but could smell garlic and italian herbs!  

Ele and Kenny left after being fed (the tramps!  :-))  then it was a little rest time before John and Norma arrived for dinner.  John was dropping David's birthday pressie off as he won't manage up on Tuesday.

Norma was every bit as lovely this second visit.  Alan has really taken to her and she to him.  It's a mutual admiration society!  John was driving but Norma managed a few brandies.  If I ever reach the age of 77 I hope I'm as active as she is.  Water aerobics, pilates, zumba, walking...hell who am I kidding?  I can't even manage that at 47!

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