Hungry house sparrow...Oops, it's a finch!

I could have sworn the weather forecast I heard last night said we would have "patches of sunshine" today. Hah! That was a lie. We have had unremitting overcast skies...heavy, grey, and gloomy. I haven't seen a speck of sunlight. And it's cold! And I'm busy indoors. I was not at all interested in a walk in the park, even if I had the time. Luckily our neighborhood birds were happy with the new seed I put out for them. Even one of my favorites. the red-bellied woodpecker, stopped by for a visit. I wasn't quick enough to get his picture, but this house sparrow and a nuthatch lingered long enough for a photo op. 

Thanks to John for pointing out that I mis-identified (Is that a word?) this bird. I knew better, but my brain was asleep.

My biggest accomplishment today was finishing our annual Christmas cards and letters. I look forward to receiving an annual update from friends I rarely see, old college friends and the like, and I try to reciprocate. Should have been finishing that little job last night, but instead I was playing on bBipfoto and checking out the changes. I have to say I especially like the little icons up top for notifications and comments. Very handy, in my opinion. Time to put supper on the table now, friends. See you tomorrow. Please send some sunshine if you have any to spare.

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