Despite the bank of cloud

I was woken (a little earlier than I intended being awake) by some sort of alarm. Nothing in the house was responsible. J also heard it (I discovered later this morning), so it was not an hallucination. Being fully awake by that point, I stayed up and prepared to go in search of Sunday Sunrise Nø 40 for the year. To the east was a lot of cloud, while above us and to the west the sky was clear.  

I ran along Erceg's Way stopping intermittently as the sky caught my fancy. The bank of cloud was so dense and extensive that the first glimpse of the disc of the sun was about 15 minutes after official sunrise. This picture, where I stood behind a large New Zealand flax plant, was a couple of minutes before official sunrise. The mudflats were almost fully exposed, with channels and pools providing a series of reflections across to the water of Kawau Bay.

Later this morning I emptied the first compost bin into the second one to further the composting process. We now start filling Bin Nø 1 for a second time. The boys were intrigued by why I was doing this (to them seemingly) pointless task. After all it was already in a bin, and the new compost could go into Bin Nø 2, surely? I don't think they quite got my explanation.

Afterwards, we all went to Snell's Beach (shortly before high tide) to have lunch and a swim. Some dissension from the boys who much prefer their beach below the cliff. They had a marvellous time in the water, and in the newly upgraded playground. Grumpiness therefore dissipated.

Some proud Grandpa photos. And also one of a red-billed gull chasing a thrown chip. Very pleased with how well I managed this shot. If I work out how to do blipfolio, I will post it there.

I'm now resting, and posting, while S has put on (at Jesafly's request) chicken to roast with vegetables enough to feed two hungry and growing boys. Meanwhile they are playing a pirate board game their mother provided for them, and preventing their aunt from winning; again.

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