madwill's world

By madwill


First full day back at home after our Christmas break and most of the morning was spent back blipping and catching up with comments on other journals.

I am finding this site incredibly tedious to use now - and for some reason the new system decided to date my back blips with the current date - which meant deleting and re-adding, although I now realise you have to  actually set the date with the calendar control for backblips , but before it used to take the date from the file and asked to confirm!

I tried to photograph some birds visiting the garden fat ball feeder - but even with a 300 mm lens it was not close enough. We did have an new bird, a blackcap, which I have not seen before.

Late afternoon dog walk when I captured this sunset through the poplar trees. I placed the camera on a fence post and set the shutter on timer mode. I like the colours and the light wispy clouds.

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