Musical HOBBY

I have refrained from blipping anything to do with photography as that is now more of an obsession than HOBBY!

This shot is a couple of pages from the choral score for Bach's St Matthew Passion.  It's a hefty tome, a long work for double choir and large orchestra.  Choral singing is one of my hobbies and I now sing with two choirs, which leads to some busy times, apart from weekly rehearsals.  Next Spring, for example, on the Good Friday weekend, I will have two concerts on consecutive days- tiring.

The St Matthew Passion is a marvelous piece and we are to be joined in Berkhamsted by a choir from Madrid - in 2016, as many members of the Berkhamsted choir as can, will perform over in Madrid.  I have sung this before but this time it will be sung in its original language of German - not unreasonable as the composer was German, but it doesn't make life easier.  I do not speak German at all although I have sung enough to at least know how to pronounce the words - well, sort of!

For the Mono Monday theme of HOBBY, I was considering getting on my 'hobby horse' about a few things.  One thing that really bugs me is the number of people who only take photos using their phone, and what really, really get to me are those who use their ipads as cameras; I could scream!

Other personal 'HOBBY horse' items for me are misuse or non-use of apostrophes, the incorrect use of 'fewer' and 'less' or 'your'and 'you're'.  I could go on.  It comes from being an English teacher and 'professional' pedant.

It was an interesting Challenge to tackle - so thank you to Skeena for the idea!

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