
It was a beautiful morning with lovely little fluffy clouds, I took some shots from the decking but couldn't go out because I was waiting for a delivery. I ordered a mini Manfrotto for my forthcoming trip. Park Cameras had a BeFree at a very good price and I think it'll probably do  great job for something that packs up so small.

I had a phone call from the local music shop to tell me that the guitar bag that I'd ordered for Marian for her birthday had finally arrived so we popped into Teignmouth and picked it up and had a little walk along the prom and up Back Beach and then headed for home.

The sun was just about to  dip below the hills as I reached a little lay by along the river, so I quickly stopped, grabbed the camera and tripod and dived under the railway line for this shot. Job done so home for a cup of tea.


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