
I brought in the hummer feeders last night because the weather was beastly cold. This morning I got up early (for me) at put them back out. I could hear Anatole chirruping as he waited. I grabbed my camera and long lens and continued to feed the other birds. Soon Anatole flew to the biggest feeder and took a very long drink. I took lots of photos of him but this is my favorite. What a magnificent fellow he is... oh yes. He chased another hummer away while I was watching. I expect it was another male and not a female who I will name Annabelle once I see her.

We are heading off this afternoon to visit friends in Seattle. They are playing at the North City Bistro this evening and having a New Year's / Arvin birthday party tomorrow. We won't be back until the first. Carroll is taking care of the house and animals while we are gone.

I may not have any time for comments and I am not sure I'll be able to load blips from my iPad. So I may be back blipping when I get back home. In case I don't get to "speak" to you, have a fantastic fun New Year's Eve. 

See you next year.

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