Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The Last Blip of 2014

2014 ...a year that I am not entirely sorry to see coming to a close.  It has been a year of changes in my family...

The death of my father-in-law followed so closely by the death of his only sister, our beloved Aunt Millie.  Then the uncertainty of my husbands job in NJ ...

followed by the excitement of a potentially wonderful new job in Florida ... which turned out to be so very different than what was presented...

Which lead to our decision for my hubs to resign and take a few months off to decompress, visit family and figure out what is next.

Florida is a wonderful place to be in the late fall and winter.  We've had some wonderful adventures and enjoyed new friendships.  We've made some great memories and enjoyed some beautiful sunsets - even a Thanksgiving picnic on the beach.  So, no, it wasn't an all bad year - not by a long measure.

In the last few weeks of the year, our beloved Rocket has fallen very ill.  As I write this, I really don't know if he will pull through or not - I hope and pray that he does ... but if he doesn't, I will take comfort in knowing that he is with his humans and that he is comfortable and not afraid.  I stayed in his "room" with him last night - I think it gave both of us some comfort.  Will probably do the same tonight.  If he slips away, I don't want him to be alone...

Today we learned that a good friend of my parents had a heart attack last night (she survived).  

So, no, I am not altogether sorry to see the end of 2014. And I am optimistic that 2015 will be another year of changes, more positive ones.

I wish everyone who reads this a wonderful new year, one filled with love, laughter, wonderful photos, delicious food and lots of hugs.

Ciao, 2014...


Today's photo is a red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus)-  he was sitting on a snag next to Seminole Lake when Hubs and I went out for a short walk this morning.  

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