Mr H chillin' at Snells

Another gorgeous day with almost no wind, few clouds (especially in the morning), the warmth of the sun, and deep blue water in the bay below us.

Jesafly left yesterday; work called. Being a solo practitioner with deadlines is never easy. Daughter C and the boys left today.

I woke early and took a morning run along Erceg's Way. Too early and too near full tide to see much except ducks and gulls. The ducks at the southern end are (according to my identification) at least mostly Parera; the Grey Duck, which is native to NZ and is now rarely seen in its pure form. There is extensive cross breeding with the mallards (introduced from Europe), and hybrids far outnumber pure bred Parera. My best photo of them today was one with the water made golden by the rising sun.

Yesterday, we decided that if the weather was good, S would come to the foreshore of Snells Beach when the tide was at a similar level to yesterday. To see the Kuaka. All was good, and Mr H decided to come with us. Ducks, herons and gulls were plentiful. We walked north and saw no kuaka. Turned to head back, and I saw Mr H out on the mudflats, in quiet connection with the water, the sun and the birds. Totally happy. This is my choice of photo to blip.

Had just decided to go for coffee and muffins to take back for breakfast, when I saw a distinctive flight pattern, and got closer. Half as many kuaka as yesterday, but they were there. S and Mr H were happy to see them for the first time.

After having a house full for the past six days, there are now just the two of us. Two more days before we head back to the city for a week of work and appointments. On Saturday 10 January 2015 we collect Tsuken and his family from the airport, and will have two weeks here with them.

Just realised that this is blip Nø 1500 since I started 1500 days ago. What better way to mark it.

I needed to post this a while ago, as I was well into it, when I realised I needed to prepare dinner for S and me. All done.

I can now thank everyone who has supported me with views, comments and ratings of one sort or another since November 2010. I have established a number of close connections in that time. I won't call them virtual as to me they are very real. I would love to meet you all face to face as they say. I value the things I read in the journals of others, and I enjoy the discussions we not infrequently have.

And to have the opportunity to do this, heartfelt thanks to Joe and Blipcentral. I have long been an optimist, and that usually outweighs my tendency to see hidden agenda. When I held office in the union, our executive director would always remind us that cock-ups are more common than conspiracies. I hold hard to the expectation that the current difficulties in blip will be solved.

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