Happy New Year!

The start of the year is dismal, weather-wise. Thankfully, for most of the day, I was cosily indoors.

After staying up well after seeing the New Year in, we had a bit of a lie-in this morning. The Mate and I should have gone taking a dog for a walk but were tempted to stay in for massive bacon butties with lashings of brie and a fried egg.

In the afternoon I went to the hospital to wish The Mother a Happy New Year. Against all odds she has survived to see in the year. She has been in hospital now for 15 weeks, 10 of them here in Penrith. In all these weeks my blips have never shown the hospital, yet it has been an important part of every day.

When I first qualified as a Radiographer I used to come here to do locum work. I always glance across to the X-ray Dept as I walk through the hall. Here is the view I see from the car park.

Hoping for drier weather tomorrow as I'm off to Buttermere for a Blipmeet.

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