Wisps of Dew

I was determined to get more done today....and I did!  Sugar and I managed another load of sewing stuff put away in the new sewing area, and we got ALLLLLLLL of the Christmas decorations down and put away.  Whew...what a job.  It always makes me feel a bit sad though.  Hard to say, "goodbye" to the Christmas season....and the house feels so bare now. 

In the afternoon, I ventured out to feed the rabbits, and took the camera with me.  I wanted to take advantage of being home in the daylight to get a shot.  I know soon...I'll be back to work, and lucky to get a pathetic shot in at all.  I love sights like these.  The dew on the spider's web is so beautiful.  It made me happy. 

Sugar and I spent the evening working on a Little Mermaid puzzle she got for Christmas.  I adore working on puzzles with my girl.  

Thank you to everyone who gave me stars and hearts on my photo yesterday.  It really made my day.

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