In The Doghouse

What a day!
Flynn has been peeling the paint off  of the walls with his contrary and monster he is in the you can notice that he is only a speck in the distance today...hahahahahaha.

Tried out another Vet .....this one is an 'Alternative Vet'..Rumi seems to be falling apart...gummy eye (apparently not enough tears) lumps and bumps all over him ......still driving himself (and us) mad with his scratching...poor little bugger. 
I did do some extensive research and for those who have Schnauzers there is something called Schnauzer Bumps......they will have it for life and there is no cure...I am thinking that this is what Rumi has.....bloody hell. There are things we can try though.
I came away without any answers...(in fact I seemed to have more then the Vet) Pills and eye ointment ......and nearly no teeth as I nearly swallowed  them when I was told how much it was going to cost me....I reckon those animal doctors charge like Scrub Bulls....I was just saying to Jaiya that I don't spend that much money on myself to go and see a doctor etc.....even Rumi's Shampoo costs about 3 times more than mine.
I know I am going on but when we were kids we never took our pets to the fact I don't think there were any...pets were not an expensive luxury like they are now. That little guy is worth it.

There as a silver lining to the day the clouds this afternoon were just flaunting their magnificence.

“Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.”
Groucho Marx

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