Gitama's World

By Gitama

BORED.......Trapped in the Burringbar Ranges

He was excited this morning when we got up early to go to the beach....(some stupid idea we had a while back).........we decided not to take the bikes as the sky was grey.......Rumi was so excited but just as we stepped out of the car it pissed down raining.......I was kinda happy...came home and went to back to bed.

I had to take my car to a mechanic about  25 kms away.....Jaiya blazed the trail.....I was a little nervous about driving it and quite rightly we started to climb over the Burringbar ranges it started to play up.....its a rather scary length of road....and.....I was spooked.

We waited for the tow truck for over an hour.....the place where we waited had a strange and grungy vibe for being in the middle of the bush.......a dumping ground for bits of old cars and rubbish......I heard the strains of the duelling bangs across the valley.
By the time the truck arrived that kid and Rumi had become so bored they became like fleas jumping back and forth all over the car...and us.

After a longish meeting with the mechanic ......and we had a bite to eat...(pic)...there was no time to get to the coast like we time to take pics.......and it was raining again....BOOOOOO.

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