Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Settling back

First of all, I have to say a huge THANK YOU for so many kind comments, stars and favs for my 1000th! You guys are fantastic!

Really pleased to say I managed my day at work fine today. I say that because 4 hours jet lag can be a challenge in the morning! All fine at work. Lucky G got an extra day off as Albert didn't show up at school.

Decided to do a mini shop straight after work and went to Festival City. Quick whizz around IKEA for a storage item, then Hyper Panda and then home sweet home and I can tell I will need to get to bed earlier tonight.

Dubai is at the start of its annual Shopping Festival which lasts a month. This year they are marking 20 years. All the Malls get decorated and run their own themes and offers and there are 10 minutes of fireworks every night. The whole town in decorated too with flags and pretty lights. Such is life here... and to think we went all the way to the Thames and stood out for hours in the freezing cold to see the London NY fireworks! All worth it though. :D

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